Borrowed from strortsvoS in the transcription of which:
S= alveopalatal fricative
N= velar nasal
tS = alveopalatal africate Note: These people dwell in the snowy north and are hostile toward everything, including furry little kittens. They are selfish, rude to outsiders, and don't even like one another very much. This can be seen in their word for 'abduct' which seems to carry the implication that, along as it's someone else getting abducted, it's not much of a problem.
Note the following glosses for strortsvoS negative prefixes:
sNawlt- a very emphatic negative
tSawltS- annoying or sort of bad
wawlSk- not really bad but I'm supposed to say it's bad.
- mi-wu-ci alien (m class)
This word was calqued from strortsvoS Alien:
Recall Liqupa has a negation infix.
- Salicisilaliq ray gun (m class)
this word was borrowed from strortsvoS
sNawlt-krirtS-sklalk neg-pain-stick
with the following phonological adaptations: - Ulike strortsvoS, Liqupa does not allow consonant clusters. Thus, the following consonants were removed:
[N] and {t} from the first morpheme; two [r] segments and [ts] from the second morpheme and [k] from the onset of the syllable comprising the last morpheme. The result so far is:
sawl-ki-slalk - The default epenthetic vowel [i] was inserted to break up remaining consonant clusters with the result:
sawli-ki-silalik - Diphthong [aw] which does not occur in Liqupa was simplified to [a] with the result:
sali-ki-silalik - Allophonic rules chaged word-initial [s] to [S], [k] before [i] to [c] and word final [k] to [q]. with the result:
- wilinaq Rocketship, tricycle (m class) silly dance (na class)
this word was borrowed from strortsvoS
spwiZ-glen-zawp high-sky-boat
with the following phonological adaptations: - Deletion of: word-initial sp, word-medial Zg, and z.
- /e/ which does not occur in Liqupa was raised to /i/
- /aw/ diphthong simplified to /a/
- Word-final /p/ changed to /q/ in accordance with phonotactic rules
Cultural/linguistic note: The strortsvoS and Liqupa have not gotten along historically due to their utterly imcompatible world views. The Liqupa find the strortsvoS's incessant pessimism tiresome and tend to make fun of them behind their backs. The Liqupa didn't really believe the strortsvoS's story about having been visited by aliens in the first place, and perhaps in response to this, wilinaq has gone through reanalysis: -naq has been reanalyzed as the suffix meaning 'bright'. The root 'wili' has come to mean 'trivial' or 'fanciful'. The term wili-naq (m class) now refers to a brightly colored child's tricycle or, as a na-class noun, a silly dance or performance.