The BG Language Creation Guide
Words for Borrowing
Please use the words you acquired in class for the word borrowing assignment if at all possible. If circumstances have conspired against you, I may ask you to use these words for the language contact homework. I have provided all the information you will need.
Group II:
Language Name: Liqupa
Created by Captain P.Q. Stovepipe
The Liqupa people are a friendly, philosophical, highly synesthetic bunch who enjoy linguistics, pine trees, folk music, ducks and beach parties.
- q = voiceless uvular stop.
- haha idea or thought
- negation is accomplished via an infix wu, wuc wuk or wuq.
- French fry: palama-ya-pila
- handheld video game: ha-wu-ha-piq
(hawuha = foolishness)
- couch potato: didi-daq
- advertisement: ha-wu-ha-payu
(hawuha = foolishness)
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Updated 4/5/2010