The BG Language Creation Guide

Canish #3 {a} and {o}

"haf" (hello) and "hof" (I'll just rest a while) are a minimal pair showing that {a} and {o} contrast; they are separate phonemes. The minimal pair is 4 and 17.
{R} denotes a uvular trill. Note that Canish is a tone language. For the sake of simplicity however, tone is not indicated in these examples.

1. {maw} moon
2. {bu} my tummy
3. {mR} my master, alpha dog
4. {haf} Hello, I greet you
5. {vro} stick
6. {avof} You must be kidding
7. {vrawaw} I see something terrific!
8. {avawf} look at that!
9. {vraf} I scratch
10. {vavro} let's play!
11. {muof} I disagree
12. {bawuf} I'd like to eat that cat
13. {mra:wf} I'm sorry, I really didn't mean it.
14. {wuouf} I'd like to eat that bird
15. {abuvraf} you want to scratch my tummy
16. {mawuf} a cry of exultation
17. {hof} I'll just rest a minute
18. {amR} You win, I surrender