Language Structure Problems


Examine the data below from Dutch and answer the questions.
1. shoe -- schoen
2. chair -- stoel
3. earth -- aard
4. hats -- hoeden
5. horses -- paarden
6. potato -- aardappel
7. horse -- paard
8. potatoes -- aardappelen
9. shoes -- schoenen

A. How are plurals formed in Dutch?

B. The plural for 'chair' is not given in the data. What would that plural be?

C. The singular of 'hats' is not given in the data. What should that form be?

Dutch and English, both being Germanic languages, are closely related. this means you can sometimes tell what a dutch word means by comparing it to a similar word in english. Some of the basic function morphemes are also the same.

D. Can you come up with three English words which form their plurals in the same way these Dutch nouns do?

E. One of the words in this data set has three morphemes. Which word is it? Gloss this word, that is, write they word , placing hyphens between its morphemes. Below each morpheme, give its individual translation.