Language Structure Problems

Examine these data from Italian.

1. canto - I sing
2. amasti - you (sg) loved
3. canti - you (sg) sing
4. amamo - we loved
5. cantiamo - we sing
6. amo - I love
7. cantai - i sang
8. ami - you (sg) love
9. cantasti - you (sg) sang
10. amai - I loved
11. cantamo - we sang
12. amiamo - we love

1. What are the roots for the two Italian verbs: 'love' and 'sing'?

2. Both of these verbs have English cognates. List as many English words containing these Italian roots as you can.

3. Make a list of the suffixes you find in the data. What does each suffix mean?

4. Are the suffixes inflectional or derivational?

5. all of the English sentences in the data consist of two words: a pronoun and a verb. the Italian sentences only have one word. why is it possible to create these one-word sentences in Italian and still be understood?