Language Structure Problems

Answers in Brief

  1. "planet Plexicon"
    Phonological perseveration
    The [p] in planet perseverates and is added to the beginning of the word Lexicon
  2. Sim and Sally
    Phonological anticipation
    The [s] in Sally occurs too early; it is anticipated, replacing the [t] in "Tim"
  3. "to fend off villages"
    Phonologically mediated dlexical error
    the words villages and villains sound similar, but are not similar in meaning. Notice that the plural morpheme was still added even though the incorrect word was chosen. If this were spoken aloud, the correct allomorph of the plural would be there as expected.
  4. "their crash spaceshipped"
    Morphological error
    The -ed from 'crashed' is moved further along in the sentence and attached to the wrong word. this is morphological and not phonological because the -ed has meaning rather than being just a sound.
  5. "Lady Redundant Roman" Phonological perseveration.
    the [r] in "redundant" perseverates, replacing the[w] in "woman".
  6. uh...
    Not a speech error.
    This is a hesitation. It is not an incorectly formed utterance: it is simply a pause.
  7. "grocery store' ... instead of 'bank'
    Semantically mediated lexical error.
    These two don't sound anything alike, but they are similar in menaing: both are common places of business which could conceivably be robbed.
  8. Ain't
    Not a speech error.
    'Ain't' ... is a usual part of some varieties of English and is intentionally uttered by millions of people every day.
  9. Huggy Face /dIsejdId/ to pay
    Phonological error
    because there is an [ej] sound before an after the error, we cannot tell it this is a perseveration or anticipation.
  10. the butch er substitutes for Professor Steven Boxleitner
    Semantically mediated lexical error.
    Their names sound nothing alike but they are both members of the same category: villains and thus they are related semantically.
  11. "vicious Vutcher."
    Phonological perseveration.
    the [v] in "vicious' perseverates, replacing the [b] in "Butcher"
  12. ... like...
    Not a speech error.
    The word 'like' is commonly used as a way of softening speech or of pausing. You don't have to like it, but it's true.
  13. "droad baylight."
    Phonological metathesis.
    The [b] and the [d] trade places
  14. TJ for WordGirl
    Semantically mediated lexical error.
  15. misnicious instead of either mischievious or pernicious
    Lexical blend.
    We get half of each word and the two words, as is usually the case, are closely related in meaning.
  16. Now I hav told you all I no about Wordgirl.
    Not a speech error
    There are some words spelled wrong here, but nothing that would impact pronunciation.
  17. eat ... do
    syntactic error
    Two words changed places... yes you can analyze this in two ways: either the verbs traded places or the objects of the verbs traded places.